On The Road Update 25.6.2010
One more night and the it begins!25.6.2010 17:03:45
One more night and the it begins!25.6.2010 17:03:45
Last inspections done, some packing still waiting after mid summer and then it is GO!24.6.2010 13:11:22
Three more days to go!23.6.2010 17:07:41
To see where Team 1, Team 2 and Team 3 are going, just go to this site: http://www.juvander.fi/FIN2PAMIR/. All there teams have SPOT devices activated and their location delayed by 24h is seen on this page. Team 1 is already in Mongolia, Team 2 is starting their journey on 10th …
Just testing if sms gateway is still working. I will send updates from the trip through here.6/22/2010 7:39:32 PM
I had been missing of an helmet lock which I could operate with the same key as rest of the locks. After doing some searching for an helmet lock for my GSA, I found an piece of information that helped a lot! In BMW R1150GS they have a helmet lock …
Now in Turku, waiting ferry to Stockholm 4/30/2010 6:21:54 PM
Goldrush is starting tomorrow!4/29/2010 8:44:29 AM
I’m attending for the second time for Gold Rush 2010 (Kultaryntäys) event which is organized by IBA Finland ry. Gold Rush is all about driving long days and kilometres with the motorbike. This year there will be 16 participants who will be driving either 1500 miles/2414km in 24h or 3000 …
After having weekend meeting with couple of guys who are planning trip to same area, I’m now thinking of including Pamir Highway to the trip as well. This just means taking two extra countries to the list, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan… So something like this: This also means extra 2-3 thousand …